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Using A Delivery Stick

(adapted from Wilf Linzmayer's lesson)

Since there is very little information about this method of delivery, I developed this basic lesson plan and it has been used very successfully with all levels of curlers. Adapt as you see fit.

  • Wear a non–slip gripper on each foot.

  • Position in the hack is the same as regular delivery but standing.

  • The curling stick is simply an extension of your arm.

  • For the in-turn, delivery position is at 11:00 o’clock (not the normal 10).

  • For the out-turn, delivery position is at 1:00 o’clock (not the normal 2).

  • Place the stone on a line from the CENTRE of your body to the brush.

  • Place the curling stick on the handle of the stone. Remember here that the curling stick is simply an extension of your arm.

  • Keep your delivery arm reasonably straight as you move forward.

  • Walk forward at an appropriate speed to deliver the stone with the “speed” (or weight) that the skip has requested – always on the line to the brush.

  • The stone must leave the curling stick before the stone touches the hog line as per the rules.

  • Continue walking forward as a follow through, after the stone has left the curling stick.

  • For an In-Turn, keep the handle of the stone at 11:00 o’clock until you get four feet from the point where you want to release the stone. Then slowly turn the handle of the stone to 12:00 o’clock over the last four feet.

  • For an Out-Turn, keep the handle of the stone at 1:00 o’clock until you get four feet from the point where you want to release the stone. Then slowly turn the handle of the stone to 1:00 o’clock over the last four feet.

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Leaside Curling Club
1075 Millwood Road
Toronto, Ontario, M4G 1X6
Phone: 647-748-CURL (2875) 


Club Information

A proud member of the Leaside community for over 60 years, Leaside Curling Club is a vibrant not-for-profit organization. This wheelchair-accessible facility is open from September to April and features 8 sheets of curling ice, a lounge, bar, pro shop, and change rooms.