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Thursday Day Ladies Draw Off

Team Draw Off Instruction & Score Sheet

Every team must complete the team draw off. All four players must throw one draw shot to the button with sweeping allowed.

The order of players * is not important but the four shots must be consecutive. Each player’s rock is measured and removed before the next team member throws her rock. 

* In the case of a 3-man team, the first player to deliver a stone for her team must also throw the final stone.  In the case of a 5-man team, choose four players to throw.

The team draw off is to be completed on Leaside ice after regular games or during team practice sessions. Teams can decide when they complete the draw off based on their own time availability as long as their scores are submitted by December 11th, the last day of Draw 1.

Measurements (rounded to .5 of an inch) are taken from the centre of the tee/button to the inside edge of the stone on the striking band. Measuring tapes will be available to teams. Teams are responsible for their own measuring.

Stones that cover the button centre (& cannot be measured) will be assigned a distance of zero (0). Stones that do not reach or go past the rings will be counted as 6 feet 1 inch.

The four player’s measured total will represent the Team Draw Off score which will be used to determine team rankings if, as and when tie situations arise after each draw.

Team Draw Off Measurements & Score

Player                                                              Measurement  (feet/inches)

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__________________________________                                   _____________

__________________________________                                   _____________


Team name:


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Leaside Curling Club
1075 Millwood Road
Toronto, Ontario, M4G 1X6
Phone: 647-748-CURL (2875) 


Club Information

A proud member of the Leaside community for over 60 years, Leaside Curling Club is a vibrant not-for-profit organization. This wheelchair-accessible facility is open from September to April and features 8 sheets of curling ice, a lounge, bar, pro shop, and change rooms.