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Named after one of our founding members, this award was initiated as a tribute to members during our 25th anniversary year. It is given annually to a club member who exemplifies the aims and objectives of the Leaside Curling Club. A member is only eligible to receive the award once.

Aims and Objectives
• To foster, promote and engage in the game of curling.
• To foster friendly relations amongst members of the club.
• To preserve the traditions of the game of curling.
• To cooperate with other clubs in the interest of fellowship and curling.
• To encourage participation by all members in all the club activities.
• To maintain membership in curling associations

All adult members in good standing, with the exception of Social, Competitive, and Spare-only members, are eligible to submit nominations in writing (including your own name) to the club office, addressed to the Secretary of the Executive (Board of Directors). Members can only receive the award a single time. The award is presented at the Annual General Meeting.

Past Winners

2023 - Dave Huras, Leigh Whitcomb
2020-2022 - not awarded
2019 - Judy MacLellan
2017 - Mildred McConnell
2016 - not awarded
2015 - Gail Ann Ferguson
2014 - Pat Lee
2013 - Dave Thomas
2012 - Rob Harling
2011 - Pat Reid
2010 - Neil Anderson
2009 - Gerry Hawkins
2008 - Howard Cook
2007 - Paivi Liitela
2006 - David Stubbins and Gerry Hawkins
2005 - Chris Anderson
2004 - Monica Sloan
2003 - Bernice Collins
2002 - Mike & Margaret Butler
2001 - Richard Van Dine
2000 - Grace Lee
1999 - Ann Stubbins
1998 - not awarded
1997 - not awarded
1996 - Bob Murray
1995 - Verna Vader
1994 - Dave Lee
1993 - Bill Carr
1992 - Joan Hammond
1991 - Herb Falconer
1990 - Jack Eilbeck
1989 - Joan Chesley
1988 - Ross Solomon

Players must be a paid playing member of LCC (neither a social member, practice, nor competitive member) in order to spare.

St Patrick's Day Decorations!

Stick decor

Best Costume: team Smale from Leaside 

Stick costume

Thanks to our our generous sponsors from Mosaic and Downsizing Divas 

Stick sponsor1Stick sponsor2

Stick Bonspiel winner - team Slater from Royal Canadian Curling Club

Stick winner

Stick Bonspiel 2nd place - team Dayton from Donalda 

Stick 2nd place

Stick Bonspiel 3rd place - team Hills from Tam Heather

Stick third place


The Sunday Night Open League follows the Leaside Curling Club Rules and the O.C.A & Curling Canada rules except where they exist below as part of the Sunday Night Open League rules.

Every team will play every week of the playoff season.
At the end of the third draw but prior to the start of the playoffs, teams have been moved flight to flight as usual.
Playoffs are within each Flight (ie. Teams within Flight A will play Flight A teams only)


All playoff games are 8 ends (or less, a team may concede at any point - please be considerate of the need for later games to start on time and of club staff who need to complete their jobs for the evening).


If tied after 8 ends, a full extra end is played using the Odd end direction ie. away from the change rooms. If still tied, the tie is broken by a draw to the button using the Even end direction ie. towards the change rooms. Only the throwing team may sweep. Any player on the team may throw the draw to the button.


This does not mean you can take your time playing your games. Please do your best to play quickly in all games out of respect for your opponents and club staff.


At all times, teams are expected to observe the spirit of fair play when finding spares. - Teams must field at least 3 curlers, two of whom must be original team members. This is different from the Regular Season rule. Teams without a minimum of 2 regular players forfeit the game.

All Leaside Curling Club members are eligible to spare in the playoffs, including those already playing for another team. - If you are filling a front-end position with a spare, the spare must be someone who plays front-end in whatever league or section they generally play in (if they play in another section) or spare in. - When a spare is arranged to replace the regular Lead, Second or Vice, that spare may not play the Skip position (ie. neither throw 4th stones nor call the game). If the regular skip is absent, either a spare or any regular member of the team may play the Skip position.


Postponement / rescheduling of a game is permitted in unique situations but only if a team of 3 cannot be fielded. In other words, if 2 team member can play, they must do so with a minimum of 1 spare (because a minimum of 3 players are required to play). - A postponement is only acceptable if both teams agree and can find makeup ice acceptable to the "non-offending" team before the next scheduled playoff game. The team requesting postponement is ultimately liable for the default, regardless of any agreement to reschedule. In other words, if for any reason the game is not made up in time, the team that originally requested the postponement defaults and the "non-offending" team receives the win.


Any exceptions to these rules are only permissible upon prior written (ie. email) approval of the league drawmaster.

Good Curling Everyone!

PRIZES (per team - last revised Nov. 22, 2012)

Top Team in each Flight, per draw: $80
Playoff winner, each Flight: $120
Playoff runner-up, each Flight: $80


These rules may be amended at any time by the Section President.


Notwithstanding the above, The Section Drawmaster is the final arbiter of all disputes. He/She reserves the right to change, add or grant exemptions from these rules as required and is necessary in the circumstances.


If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to contact us at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Contact Us

Leaside Curling Club
1075 Millwood Road
Toronto, Ontario, M4G 1X6
Phone: 647-748-CURL (2875) 


Club Information

A proud member of the Leaside community for over 60 years, Leaside Curling Club is a vibrant not-for-profit organization. This wheelchair-accessible facility is open from September to April and features 8 sheets of curling ice, a lounge, bar, pro shop, and change rooms.