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  • Snowball Mixed Bonspiel (December 2, 2023)
  • Gyro Motors Ross Solomon Senior Men's Bonspiel (November 24, 2023)
  • Junior Cash Skin$ Bonspiel (February 3, 2024)

Please join us on Saturday December 2, 2023, for Leaside's modified Mixed Snowball Bonspiel!  

To print off a copy of the flyer, click here.

 Mixed Snowball


 Join us on Friday November 24, 2023, for the Gyro Motors Ross Solomon Senior Men's Bonspiel.   

To print out a copy of the flyer, click here

Gyro Ross Solomon Nov 25 2023


Join us on Saturday February 3, 2024, for our Youth Cash Skin$ bonspiel.  To download a copy of the registration form, click here

 Youth Cash Skin Bonspiel 2024

Champions Day SKins


 Doug Manning (S), George Lewis, Dave Butchart, Earl Kuntz





Monday League:
Bingham Trophy (Draw 1) – Gail Ann Ferguson (S), Dorothy Robertson, Barbara Gott, Anne Medlock
Mhora Murray Trophy (Draw 2) – Jane Roberts (S), Anne Parker, Susan Dick, Pauline Glasgow
Dickinson Trophy (Draw 3) – Gail Ann Ferguson (S), Kathy Tyndale / Betty Hicks, Susan Dick, Wendy Jarvis

Tuesday Morning League:
Draw 1 - Sandra Trafford (S), Tara Lang, Janin Robertson, Carol Morello
Draw 2 - Norrie Brockest (S), Tara Lang, Jerene Edgehill, Rita Ngo
Draw 3 - Pat Lee (S), Sylvie Dion, Katilin Doiron, Rita Ngo

Tuesday Afternoon League:
Flo Brown Trophy (Draw 1) – Mary Anne Hicks (S), Beverley Metcalfe, Carmel Fitzpatrick, Audrey Kouyoumdjan
Donna Bell Trophy (Draw 2) – Kathy Hague (S), Betty Hicks, Marnie Ferguson, Melanie Short
Merle Williams Trophy (Draw 3) – Mary Anne Hicks (S), Joanne Shaland, Pauline Malley, Catherine Dorman

Thursday Team Entry League:
Grand Aggregate Winners – Pat Reid (S), Marilyn Pleckaitis, Bernie Gillet, Debbie Murnaghan
Flight A – Carol Jackson (S), Mavis Taylor, Carol Fraser, Carol Pratt
Flight B – Pat Lee (S), Sandra Trafford, Melanie White, Elly Caesar
Flight C – Cheryl Darling (S), Susan Dick, Janine Cox, Nancy Fox

“A” Event – Cam Hall (S), Gerry Rowat, Dave Butchart, Jerry Omelon
“B” Event – Harley Hubble (S), Alan Faiers, John Bonner, Earl Kuntz
All Star Team - Cam Hall (S), John Bonner, Dave Butchart, Earl Kuntz
Crying Towel - Tom Begg, Michael Doucet, Bruce Stewart, Phil Tinning
Sprague Trophy - Dave Butchart, Earl Kuntz


Monday Skins Champs


 Champions: Richard Van Dine, Judy Mackett, Michelle MacDonald, Patrick Kniss






Tuesday League:
Flight A – Liam Kane (S), Steve Forbes, Gary MacDonald, Robert Lyle
Flight B – David Ellis (S), Robbie Fraser, Sean Holladay, Dan Westenek 
Flight C – Gregor Grant (S), John Wylie, Roger Pugsley, Bill Rowlands
Flight D – Stan Murray (S), Brian Harrison, Michael Montrose, Rory Cattanach

Thursday League:
Flight 1 – Dave Taylor (S), Gerry Hawkins, Matt Bulman, Neil Anderson
Flight 2 – Rob Harling (S), Ted Helleyer, Don Dawson, Floyd Dempster
Flight 3 – Eric Roberts (S), Julian Fosbery, Mike Reynolds, Jon Joyce
Flight 4 – Cameron McKay (S), George Czindl, Stephen Andrews, Daniel McKay

Trophy Winners (Tuesday vs. Thursday):
Bob Murray Memorial (Flight 1) – Dave Taylor (S), Gerry Hawkins, Matt Bulman, Neil Anderson
Birrell’s Trophy (Flight 2) – David Ellis (S), Robbie Fraser, Sean Holladay, Dan Westenek
Alexander Trophy (Flight 3) – Eric Roberts (S), Julian Fosbery, Mike Reynolds, Jon Joyce
Leads & Seconds Trophy (Flight 4) – George Czindl (S), Cameron McKay, Stephen Andrews, Daniel McKay, Andrew McKay

Women flight 1


Flight 1 – Kate McKellar (S), Michelle MacDonald, Bhadra Lokuge, Judy MacLellan




Flight 2 – Sarah Tolton (S), Karen Anderson, Gillian Rodger, Barb Sarjeant
Flight 3 – Christine Martell (S), Margaret Gooderham, Rosemary Haydon, Heather Makin
Flight 4 – Judy Cook (S), Meloday Arnold, Sheelagh Lawrance, Janine Ball
Overall Points Winner – Kate MacKellar (S), Michelle MacDonald, Bhadra Lokuge, Judy MacLellan

Mixed Flight 1


 Club Champions (Flight 1) – Karen Duxbury (S), Matt Bulman, Nancy Stewart, Neil Duxbury





“B” Trophy (Flight 2) – Liam Kane (S), Judy Hudson, Chris Kovac, Jenna Hilborn
Flight 3 – Allen Tran (S), Jennifer Mah, Arthur Anderson, Kathy Bateman
Flight 4 – Russ Martin (S), Carol Martin, Brock Johnston, Margaret Johnston
Flight 5 – Scott Caesar (S), Elly Caesar, Steve Caesar, Kim Walker
Flight 6 – James Manson (S), Sharon Shin, David Young, Claire McInroy
Flight 7 – Parker Liddle (S), Sarah Schroeder, Gord Ferguson, Leslie Liddle
Flight 8 – John Wong (S), Karen Atkin, Martin Glebe, Mary Panouolias

Falconer Award: Liam Kane (S), Judy Hudson, Chris Kovac, Jenna Hilborn

Craig Garbe (S), Kyle Wedge, Sebastien Carrizo, and Dylan Coombs

Sunday open champions


 Flight A – John Dickson (S), Tricia Dickson, Irving Reid, Karen Reid




Flight B – 
Flight C – 

  • 2022/23 Monday Open Skins Champions
  • 2022/23 Day Women's Champions
  • 2022/23 Evening Men's Champions
  • 2022/23 Weekend Mixed Champions
  • 2022/23 Wednesday Evening Women's Champions
  • 2022/23 Wednesday Open Skins Champions
  • 2022/23 Day Men's Champions
  • 2022/23 Sunday Open Champions

Monday Open Skins

Champions: Team Ellis (pictured left to right): Kathy Tidy, David Ellis (skip), Michaela Koch, Liam Kane

Skins champions 2023
















Aggregate (most accumulated skins during regular season play): Team Burghout (pictured left to right): Anneka Burghout, Marty Thompson, Justin Chen, Celine Lacroix

 Skins Aggregate















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Monday Afternoon Day Women

DRAW ONE: Joan Bingham Trophy
1st Place: Gail Ann Ferguson, Cheryl Ker, Elizabeth Adamson, Eileen Crichton
2nd Place:  Wendy Ko, Dorothy Robertson, Anne Medlock, Joanna Robertson
3rd Place:  Betty Hicks, Maureen Morrice, Jo-Anne Pierson, Gilian Cummings

DRAW TWO: Mhora Murray Trophy
1st Place:  Sherry Wilding, Therese Chen, Elizabeth Adamson, Joanna Robertson
2nd Place: Suzanne Gard, Cheryl Ker, Sylvie Dion, Sharon Setterington
3rd Place: Cookie Best, Mary Ellen Smith, Gilian Cummings, Eileen Crichton

DRAW THREE: Dickinson Trophy
1st Place:  Sherry Wilding, Dorothy Robertson, Jo-Anne Pierson, Sharon Setterington
2nd Place:  Cookie Best, Maureen Morrice, Andrea Sweezey, Joy Bradford
3rd PLace:  Betty Hicks, Mary Ellen Smith, Sylvie Dion,Joanna Robertson


Tuesday Morning Women

DRAW ONE: Millie McConnell Award
1st Place - Team Brockest: Norrie Brockest, Chanh Leuangthong, Janet Robson, Iwan Yang
2nd Place - Team Cox: Janine Cox, Kim Aikenhead, Susan Bedford & Jan Millard
3rd Place - Team Pitura: Cynthia Pitura, Bridget Sokoluk, Lori Wells & Shannon Levere

DRAW TWO: Day Sweepers
1st Place - Team Dick: Susan Dick, Sarah Shutt, Janet Robson & Anne Jacot
2nd Place - Team Brockest: Norrie Brockest, Elizabeth Adamson, Linda Strevens, & Lorenne Doucet
3rd Place - Team Burgess: Jane Burgess, Elizabeth Hatanaka, Shannan Lavere & Iwan Yan

DRAW THREE: Rock Stars
1st Place - Team Burgess: Jane Burgess, Sandra Wright, Anna Chitra & Sharon Setterington
2nd Place - Team Read: Shari Read, Carol Pratt, Lorrie Lavis & Cathy Fauquier
3rd Place - Team Brockest: Norrie Brockest, Sylvie Dion, Anne Cowan/Elizabeth Adamson & Jessica Lee


Tuesday Afternoon Women

DRAW ONE: Flo Brown Trophy
1st Place - Sheila Bishop, Audrey Kouyoumdjian, Linda Nichols, Joanna Robertson
2nd Place - Marg Hembruff, Marie McBurney, Sara Shutt, Jane Monteith
3rd Place - Judi Smale, Judy Cook, Joan Morrow, Noreen Hains

DRAW TWO: Donna Bell Trophy
1st Place - Judi Smale, Pauline Malley, Maureen Morrice, Joanna Robertson
2nd Place - Marg Hembruff, Margaret Peebles, Lorraine Short, Laura Masotti
3rd Place - Siu Ling Kwan, Judy Cook, Kate Parkin, Barbara Doherty

DRAW THREE: Merle Williams Trophy
1st Place - Pat Reid, Sandy Faiers, Kate Parkin, Denise McDonald
2nd Place - Marg Hembruff, Sue Wilgosh, Linda Nichols, Sandra Douglas
3rd Place - Kathleen MacLean, Audrey Kouyoumdjian, Jane Farquharson, Betty Ann Armstrong


Thursday Day Women's Team Entry

Flight A
1st place: Pat Reid, Marilyn Pleckaitis, Bernie Gillett, Debbie Murnaghan
2nd place: Theresa Currie, Lee Banka, Karen Townsend, Christie Stevenson
3rd place: Jan Carwardine, Judy MacLellan, Wilma Morrison, Sandra Thain

Flight B
1st place: Susan Holladay, Gail Kirkwood, Lori Brendel, Kimberley Walker
2nd place: Gail Ann Ferguson, Rhonda Booth, Kathy Tyndale, Cristina Scassa
3rd place: Grace Bugg, Aly Douglas, Carley Vint-Reed, Bernadette Dziadul

Flight C
1st place: Kathy Hague, Tara Lang, Sarah Shutt, Nancy Hilliker
2nd place: Shona Fitzgerald, Elaine MacSween, Ginny Bates, Bonnie Morrice
3rd place: Carolyn Loewen, Dorothy Greenaway, Wendy Girvan, Janet Mackinnon

Flight D
1st place: Lucy Hunter, Judi Smale, Joanne Davidson, Janice Salter
2nd place: Mary Howard, Judy Watts, Sandra Wright, Lorraine Short
3rd place: Marlene Parker, Betty Hicks, Anne Campbell, Cheryl Ker

Grand Aggregate Winner
Team Liitela: Paivi Liitela, Marina Dranitsaris, Audrey Kouyoumdjian, Carol Pasternak


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For the evening men's league, there are playdowns in each of 4 flights (A,B,C,D) for both Tuesday night and Thursday night.

The champions from each flight on Tuesday and Thursday then face off to determine the overall club champions.


A  Ryan Metcalfe  Rob Harling
   Sean Holladay  Ted Hellyer
   Robert Lyle  Don Dawson
   Steve Forbes  Ethan Hall-Beyer
   Scott Holladay  
B  Darren Gerson  Henry Byres
   Jason Crowder  Scott Caesar
   Neil Duxbury  Stuart Jeffrey
   Fred Howe  Steve Caesar
C    Eric Roberts
     Mike Reynolds
     Maxim Newby
     Jim Joyce


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Flight 1: Team Duxbury (Karen Duxbury, Matt Paynter-Bulman, Neil Duxbury, Nancy Stewart, Kate McKellar)

Flt 1 Team Duxbury1























Flight 2: Team Harrop (Phil Harrop, Angie Harrop, John Brook, Nancy Hilliker)

Flt 2 Team Harrop



















Flight 3: Team Morrison (Brad Morrison, Grace Bugg, Mike Ball, Linda Bishop)

Flt 3 Team Morrison

Flight 4: Team Keith (Tom Keith, Carrie Keith, Brent Johnston, Meredith Strong)

Flt 4 Team Keith


















Flight 5: Team Vigna (Adam Vigna, Sasha Lukashova, Phillip Huang, Jennifer Pritchard)

Flt 5 Team Vigna 3



















Flight 6: Team Matheson (Jennifer Matheson, Glenn Elliott, Karen Duffield, Robert Duffield) 

No picture available

Flight 7: Team Miklaucic (Tony Miklaucic, Natasha Miklaucic, Andy Franklin, Leah Franklin)

Flt 7 Team Miklaucic



















Flight 8: Team Train (Kim Train, Alex Miller, Lucy Miller, Chris Fuoco)

Flt 8 Team Train

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Flight 1 Champions and Aggregate Winners: Team Lokuge (Bhadra Lokuge/Jan Carwardine, Kate McKellar, Judy MacLellan, Monica Sloan)
Wed Women team Lokuge

Flight 2 - Team Shintani (Gillian Shintani, Karen Atkin, Suzanne Parsons, Beth Herrema)
Wed Women team Shintani
 Flight 3 - Team Beatty (Catherine Beatty, Carol Martin, Rosa Macip, Kimberley Weaver)
Wed Women team Beatty

Flight 4 - Team Loucas (Monique Loucas, Alyssa Hanesiak, Karen Stephenson, Nadine Crowther)
Wed Women team Loucas
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 Daytime Open Skins All Star Team (John Bonner Trophy)

LCC Skins All Star Bonner Trophy


















Daytime Open Skins Second Place Team
LCC Skins Second Place

















Daytime Open Skins Third Place Team

LCC Skins Third Place



















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Day Men's Tag Draw All Star Team

LCC All Star Team


















  Crichton Trophy Winners (A-side)

LCC Crichton A Event


















Ferrar Trophy Winner (B-side):  

LCC Ferrar B Event 

















 Crying Towel Winners (C-side)

LCC Crying Towel Event

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Flight A Champions: Team Dawson

Skip: Reed Dawson
Vice: Sandra Wrigley
Second: Jonathan Dawson
Lead: Kevin Dawson

Sunday Open Team Dawson A


























Flight B Champions: Team Vigna

Skip: Adam Vigna
Vice: Phillip Huang
Second: Sasha Lukashova
Lead: Jennifer Pritchard

Sunday Open Team Vigna B


























Flight C Champions: Team Caldarelli

Skip: Mike Caldarelli
Vice: Josie Fung
Second: Tristan Truyens
Lead: Hazel Sutton

Sunday Open Team Calderelli C

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  • 2023/24 Monday Open Skins Champions
  • 2023/24 Wednesday Open Skins Champions
  • 2023/24 Evening Men's Champions
  • 2023/24 Sunday Open Champions
  • 2023/24 Evening Women's Champions
  • 2023/24 Weekend Mixed Champions
  • 2023/24 Day Men's Tag Draw Champions

Congratulations to Ryan Metcalfe (spare), Karen Anderson, Chris Elvidge, Doug White, Jason Crowder and John Epping!

Skins champions

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LCC OpenSkins Top Place 2024



















LCC OpenSkins Second Place 2024


















LCC OpenSkins Third Place 2024

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The overall evening men's league champion is team Taylor (pictured left to right) from Thursday night: Neil Anderson, Matthew Maitland, Matt Paynter-Bulman, Dave Taylor (skip) & Gerry Hawkins

evening mens champs flt A













Runner up was the Tuesday evening men's champion team Chen (pictured left to right): Robert Kniat, Jonathan Dawson, Victor Kniat and Justin Chen (skip).

evening mens runner up flt A













Evening men's flight B champion is team Anderson (pictured left to right): Neil Anderson, Gary Taugher, Alan Keskikyla, Matthew Maitland and Karl Bauerfreund (skip).

evening men flt B champ













Evening men's flight B runner up is team Garner (pictured left to right): Richard Lam, Adam Garner (skip), Patrick Kniss, and Jeff Wood.

 evening men flt B runner up












Evening men's flight C champion is team Thompson (pictured left to right): Phillip Huang, Richard Strazds, Scott Edwards, Marty Thompson and William Jin.

evening men flight C champ













Evening men's flight C runner up is team MacLeod (pictured left to right): James King, Bruce Hawkins, Robert Sangster and Neill MacLeod.

evening men flight C runner up













Evening men's flight D champion is team Rosemin (pictured left to right): Jeff Gulley, Vince Sgabellone, Vibert Rosemin (skip) and Steve Hall.

evening men flight D champ













Evening men's flight D runner up is team Cook (pictured left to right): Ingrid Mutukistna, Rick Valenzano, Bruce Cook (skip) and Reed Dawson.

evening men flt D runner up

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Congratulations to all winners in our Sunday Open league!

Flight A Winner: team Hudovernik (pictured left to right)- Stuart Rogers, Marianne Roy, Steve Hudovernik, Tim Bloomfield


Flight B Winner: team Sandals (pictured left to right) - Jennie Norman, Stuart Norman, Richard Sandals, Linda Ono






















Flight C Winner: team Blemings (pictured left to right) - Sharon Blemings, Heather Gerson, Kim Smith, Peter Smith


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Congratulations are extended to the flight champions from Wednesday night!

Flight 1: Team Lokuge (Bhadra Lokuge, Kate McKellar, Judy MacLellan, Monica Sloan)

Flight 2: Team Spaldin (Laura Spaldin, Suzanne Tucker, Keely Abbott, Kelly Edge)

Flight 3: Team Gooderham (Margaret Gooderham, Rosemary Haydon, Heather Makin, Susan Bartlett)

Congratulations are also extended to Laura Spaldin, winner of the Mae Warden award.

To see pictures from our Wednesday evening championship night, click here (thanks to photographer Pamela Kennedy).

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Our weekend mixed section is the largest at the club. Championship games were held on Saturday April 13, followed by an end-of-season party here at the club.

Congratulations are extended to the following teams (note: these are the members listed in the roster, not necessarily the individuals who played on championship Saturday):

Herb Falconer Award: team Lyle (Robert Lyle, Ashley Irvine, Ikoro Sekai, Alison Cook)

Flight 1 Champion: tea, Lyle (Robert Lyle, Ashley Irvine, Ikoro Sekai, Alison Cook)

Flight 1 Runner Up: team Duxbury (Karen Duxbury, Matt Paynter-Bulman, Nancy Stewart, Neil Duxbury)

Flight 2 Champion: team Crowder (Jason Crowder, Karen Anderson, Alan Gordon, Gillian Rodger, Natasha Crispino)

Flight 2 Runner up: team Brodeur (Denis Brodeur, Jeanette Soo, Gerry Hawkins, Monica Sloan)

Flight 3 Champion: team Crow (Doug Crow, Sharon Blemings, Kevin McCanny, Lori Kawaguchi)

Flight 3 Runner up: team Keith (Tom Keith, Carrie Keith, Brent Johnston, Meredith Strong)

Flight 4 Champion: team Chen (Jim Chen, Jennifer Alexander, Matthew Younder, Mary Johnstone)

Flight 4 Runner up: team Ng (Carlson Ng, Winnie Li, Steve Mason, Jennifer Mokry)

Flight 5 Champion: team  Miklaucic (Tony Miklaucic, Natasha Miklaucic, Andy Franklin, Leah Franklin)

Flight 5 Runner up: team Pitura (Cynthia Pitura, Ian Burdett, Lynne Burdett, Mark Palmert)

Flight 6 Champion: team Valve (Terry Valve, Frances Burchat, Duncan MacCallum, Sonia Valve)

Flight 6 Runner up: team Miller (Alex Miller, Kimberly Train, Chris Fuoco, Lucy Miller)

Flight 7 Champion: team Slapnicar (Sean Slapnicar, Janet Faurschou, Steve Chan)

Flight 7 Runner up: team Lang (Douglas Lang, Colette Boileau, Ron Chan, Catherine Fauquier)

Flight 8 Champion: team Till (Dave Till, Barbara Hicks, Stanis Yu, Stephanie Weleschuk)

Flight 8 Runner up: team Boase (John Boase, Reema Boase, Brian Mayer, Dorothy Mayer)

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For the Day Men's Tag draw, the top curlers (based on points earned in the regular season) are formed into teams that play against each other for three games. 
Pictured below are the A-event winners (they won all three of their playoff games).

 Day Men A event winner














Next are the winners of the B-event (they won their last two games after having lost their first game).

 Day Men B event winner

















Here is the 2023/24 All Star Team! These are the curlers who earned the most points during the regular season in their positions.

Day Men All star team

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Contact Us

Leaside Curling Club
1075 Millwood Road
Toronto, Ontario, M4G 1X6
Phone: 647-748-CURL (2875) 


Club Information

A proud member of the Leaside community for over 60 years, Leaside Curling Club is a vibrant not-for-profit organization. This wheelchair-accessible facility is open from September to April and features 8 sheets of curling ice, a lounge, bar, pro shop, and change rooms.